About AEST
Appropriate Energy Saving Technologies (AEST) LTD is woman-led social enterprise that creates livelihood opportunities for women in the cook stove and fuel value chain in Eastern Uganda. It was founded in June 2012 in response to the increasing scarcity of firewood and wood charcoal in Uganda, and the need for clean sustainable alternative sources of cooking fuel.The enterprise aims to eradicate over dependence on wood fuel in Uganda by making organic charcoal for cooking from agricultural waste as an alternative to wood fuel among households and institutions in urban and peri urban areas in Eastern Uganda.
To be a provider of affordable clean energy saving cooking solutions of choice.
To increase usage of affordable clean energy solutions for low income households and institutions that meet customer and environmental needs in Uganda.
Overall goal
To contribute to improvement in health for people in low income households and institutions that rely on firewood and wood charcoal for cooking and heating in Uganda.
Core Values
Environmental Protection || Social Value || Team Work || Partnership || Transparency/Integrity || Accountability
Air pollution
Air pollution from indoor cook fires is becoming a leading cause of death worldwide.In Uganda an estimated 13,000 people die every year from health issues related to inhaling smoke emitted from fuel they use for cooking.
Most parts of Uganda are currently faced by rapid deforestation. An estimated 120,000 hectares of trees are cut down every year in Uganda to cover wood charcoal and also for firewood .This has left region bear and very vulnerable to climate change.
Energy Access
In Uganda, firewood and wood charcoal are currently the country’s most consumed sources of energy with 95% of the population dependent on this. The use of firewood and wood charcoal for cooking has the greatest negative effect on women and girls. Women and girls walk long distances every day in search for firewood, keeping girls out of school and preventing women from performing more productive chores.
Our briquettes are made from groundnut shells, charcoal dust and waste cassava as binder cheaper alternative source of fuel to firewood and wood charcoal.
They burn for long with no soot and less Smoke. They protect trees from being cut for firewood and wood charcoal. Save women and girls from walking long distances in search of firewood
Our improved institutional time and energy saving stoves are professionally designed with carefully selected number of bricks depending on the size of your institution curved to suit the size of your mega saucepans insulated to avoid heat loss, which improves fuel efficiency, enhances combustion conditions, and ensures a better flame stability and systematic airflow through a build air outlet.
Our improved energy saving stoves brand named Makaa stoves include a fired clay liner with metal claddings, which improves fuel efficiency, enhances combustion conditions, and ensures a better flame stability and systematic airflow. They consume Less Fuel, are long lasting and save energy
Founder and CEO
Betty is the founder of AEST LTD. Her strong entrepreneurial spirit and innovates combined with her focus on providing income opportunities for the women has contributed to the success of the company today. Betty holds a masters Degree in … Con’t reading
Co -founder,Research & Development Officer
Helen is in charge of onsite charcoal briquette and cook stove quality testing and reporting to ensure quality assurance. She conducts onsite measurement and reporting of key process … Con’t reading
Finance & Administration Officer
Everlyne Arego holds a diploma in accounting and finance from Makerere University business school (MUBS). Before joining AEST Everlyne worked with Uganda Bureau of Statistics (UBOS) in 2014 during the National census … Con’t reading
Administrative Assistant
Vivian holds a degree in Microfinance and Community Economic Development from Uganda Martyrs University Nkozi, A diploma in Secretarial studies Institute of Business Studies and Certificate in Procurement and logistics management from Makerere University.
......................... Enviromental
- Decreasing deforestation for firewood
- Reducing green house gasses emitted through charcoal burning
- Reusing agricultural waste that is otherwise left to rot in the fields or burnt
......................... Economic
- Providing employment for 15 staff members, income for 45 contracted farmers who supply the enterprise with agricultural bio waste and 55 women micro entrepreneurs who distribute the products. By providing locals and engaging farmers in production processes, the enterprise is also helping to create and sustain a local economy the at empowers the community to use natural resources sustainability ,as opposed to felling trees and burning waste.
- Creating a local sustainable industry that involves the local community in all business aspects, thus benefiting the region economically.
......................... Social
- The enterprise is helping to reduce illnesses related to smoke inhalation.
- Reducing the distances women and girls walk to find firewood for fuel, by providing a reliable delivery service by providing an alternative source of fuel.
The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is pleased to
announce Betty Ikalany as the winner of the inaugural Woman Entrepreneur of the Year Award….Read more
The EILEEN FISHER Women-Owned Business Grant supports innovative, women-owned companies that are beyond the start-up phase…. Read more
Women’s Empowerment Fund (WEF), a financing mechanism
designed to scale effective business models for empowerment through …. read more

The SEED Awards for Entrepreneurship in Sustainable Development is an annual awards scheme designed to find the most promising, innovative and locally-led start-up eco-inclusive enterprises in countries with developing and emerging economies. The independent SEED International Jury of experts selects enterprises which have the potential to …..read more
Last week, three IDIN Network members—Betty Ikalany of
Uganda , Julio Lavalle, from Peru living Brazil and Elliot Avila, an MIT
alumnus living in Tanzania —were awarded MIT D-Lab Scale-Ups fellowships.
The D-Lab Scale-Ups fellowship program offers one year of support to social entrepreneurs bringing technology-based, poverty-alleviating products to … read more

Appropriate Energy Saving Technologies (AEST) converts agricultural waste like, peanut husks into a readily available and clean source of energy used for cooking, both in institutions and households…. read more
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Contact Us
Plot 2/4 Ebiru Road, Campswahili
P.O BOX 834 Soroti, Uganda
+256(0) 781 096 059
Business Hours
Monday - Friday - 9am to 5pm
Saturday &
Sunday - 9am to 1pm
Note: All Commercial Holidays are Applicable